
The Genius of Goethe

The first course as an undergraduate that I had a true interest in was Psychology 101, the basic introductory course in what later would become my profession. When we got to the chapter on intelligence, I was curious that Goethe’s IQ was estimated at 200, which represents a perfect score. After practicing as a psychologist […]

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Dealing with Fear

Chronic fear is damaging to the body and mental health. Here are some basic strategies to decrease fear so the body and mind can repair and restore. Technological: Alpha-stim AID. This is a simple and easy to use battery driven device that you wear around your neck and place padded ear clips on your ear […]

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Becoming right minded is often challenging for the Western mind. It has similar features to being addicted to something without being clear that the addiction is causing a problem. In recovery terms it’s called denial. One has to be open to recognizing the damage the behavior is causing, admit to being addicted, and have a […]

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Letting Go

David Hawkins, M.D., PhD was a prominent psychiatrist who co-founded Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel laureate, Linus Pauling. At the peak of his career, Dr. Hawkins was the director of the largest mental health clinic in the state of New York. After having a spiritual awakening, he refocused his career on teaching and writing about levels […]

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